课程内容:This course takes the database administrator beyond the basic tasks covered in the first workshop. The student begins by gaining a much deeper understanding of possibly the most important job of a DBA – backup and recovery. The concepts and architecture that support backup and recovery, along with the steps of how to carry it out in various ways and situations, are covered in detail. This includes how to define and test your own backup and recovery scenarios. Also, the DBA learns how to manage memory effectively and how to perform some performance evaluation and tuning tasks, including using some of the advisors. All types of flashback technologies, scheduling jobs inside and outside of the database, and controlling system resource usage are also covered. Learn To: Automate DBA tasks with the Scheduler Diagnose and repair data failures with Flashback technology Manage space to optimize database storage and to be able to respond to growing space requirements Monitor and manage major database ponents, including as memory, performance, and resources Secure the availability of your database by appropriate backup and recovery strategies 在本课程中,详细介绍了支持备份和恢复的概念和体系结构,以及在不同情况下以不同方式进行备份和恢复的步骤。这包括如何定义和测试您自己的备份和恢复方案。此外,学员还将学习如何有效地管理内存以及如何执行1些绩效评估和优化任务(包括使用1些 Advisor)。课程内容涉及所有类型的闪回技术、在数据库内部和外部调度作业以及控制系统资源使用情况。通过实践操作,学员将加深对本课主题的理解。 Learn To: 使用 RMAN 和 Enterprise Manager 备份和恢复数据库 配置数据库实例以使资源在会话和任务间适当地进行分配;调度作业以使其在数据库内部或外部运行 配置 0racle 数据库以便在任何环境中实现最佳恢复 确定负担繁重的数据库会话和性能较差的 SQL 李刚